Character COgnition

Adventure Coaching


Character Cognition

We know how it feels to live the 'do it all life'. For us, it looked like this, one family, two careers and three children, believe me, we can relate. Life gets hectic fast and it can stay that way for a long time.  


Living a white knuckle existence isn't sustainable. It's easy to get comfortable being efficient, but efficiency can be the very thing encouraging us not seek peace in your life. 


After 15 years managing a life filled with too much of everything, we've found a better way. A slower pace of life that's replaced urgency with intention. A life with builtin time to do nothing but enjoy family, nature, home cooked meals, and calm. 


We really admire the Navajo concept of Hózhó (peace, balance, beauty and harmony). We continuously seek Hózhó in our life and business. A life of balance that isn't driven by external expectation but by internal intuition. This shift  will require diligence, stewardship, commitment, and companionship. 


Hózhó in business looks like designing a business that can thrive without sacrificing the beautiful parts of your life.

Hózhó in life looks like making space for silence, important relationships, and your health in a way that's crafted to be balanced. 



Once you get a taste for a life with a higher peace quotient you'll never want to go back. We want that life for you.